McDonald’s–“Bring the Heat” and “He Loves Me Not”

I logged onto WordPress today with the intention of reviewing that inane McDonald’s commercial where the girl in the fedora is destroying two men at pool, while constructing some lame, 1970s-comic-book-y metaphor about how she’s beating them while she does so. Something about planning out her moves and then “bringing the heat”.

My main beef with that ad, and nearly every McDonald’s advert like it, is that it portrays such delicacies as Chicken McNuggets or french fries as the type of food you should be eating while you’re doing something really hip or edgy. It’s their lame attempt at appealing to the 20-somethings demographic, but it completely overlooks the fact that I would not want to be eating food from McDonald’s 2 hours after it had been ordered. Not now, and not ever. You have to eat McNuggets in like 5 minutes, or else they just taste like cold hunks of stuffing.

Unfortunately, McDonald’s didn’t make that particular commercial available to me on Youtube. They’d rather only force me to see it twice a day on TV, yet block me from seeking it out of my own volition. Oh well.

Instead, today I’d like to lambaste THIS McD’s ad:

For the technologically impaired–two girls are sitting in a McD’s, and see some doofus boy one of them likes. So, naturally, they play the “He loves me/he loves me not” game with the most romantic object I can think of–wedges of frozen potatoes that were shipped hundreds of miles before being dunked in a vat of boiling grease and dumped and directly mixed with salt. Fries which are probably cold by now. The girl eats her last fry, regretfully muttering that he loves her not. But don’t worry, reader–the doofus boy walks over and shoves one solitary leftover fry in her face before strolling out the door like he’s Jim Stark.

Now, I’m not omniscient. Sometimes I’ll miss out on social cues. But are you really expecting me to believe that it’s normal human behavior to walk up to a person you only halfway know at a McDonald’s, wave ONE fry in front of their face, and expect that to be some sort of pick-up line? If I tried that in real life, I would be socially ostracized. This is McDonald’s trying to be all cutesy, but it just ends up being lame-sy.

Frustration Index Meter: 4/10

(Ed. Note: Tomorrow I’m going to tackling a series of commercials that I absolutely cannot stand, so be sure to tune in! And as always, shoot me a line if there’s one ad in particular you want to see me make fun of.)

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